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Therapeutic Massage

1 tim 20 min
675 danske kroner
Sipisaq Avannarleq

Beskrivelse af service

Therapeutic massage seeks to obtain a therapeutic benefit. Even therapeutic massage is often relaxing, the goal of the treatment is not relaxation. Therapeutic goals can vary considerably between massage therapists and clients. In some cases, massage is recommended by a health professional and may be part of a larger treatment plan. For example, someone attending physiotherapy for an injury might have regular therapeutic massage to loosen muscles, improve muscle tone, and increase their flexibility. Therapeutic massage can be used to supplement wound care, cancer care, and a variety of other treatments.


Hvis du skal annullere, bedes du gøre det senest 24 timer før. Hvis din aflysning ikke er sket i tide, vil du blive opkrævet det fulde beløb. - In case you have to cancel, please do so no later than 24 hours before. If your cancellation is not done in time, you will be charged the full amount.


  • Therapeutic Massage and Therapy, Sipisaq Avannarleq, Nuuk, Greenland

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