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Quickpain 300 (Neck back)

Quick300 is the perfect solution for pain relief. At Some past of the body Pain Massage

30 min
300 danske kroner
Sipisaq Avannarleq|Nuuk

Beskrivelse af service

Quick300 is the perfect solution for pain relief. At Neck,Arm,Back Pain Massage, we provide a customised massage therapy session of just 300 minutes that is tailored to your needs. Our experienced massage therapists will use a combination of manual massage techniques to reduce pain, encourage relaxation and promote healing. Get quick relief and experience the benefits of massage therapy in a fraction of the time.


Hvis du skal annullere, bedes du gøre det senest 24 timer før. Hvis din aflysning ikke er sket i tide, vil du blive opkrævet det fulde beløb. - In case you have to cancel, please do so no later than 24 hours before. If your cancellation is not done in time, you will be charged the full amount.


  • Therapeutic Massage and Therapy, Sipisaq Avannarleq, Nuuk, Greenland

  • Eqalugalinnguit, Nuuk, Greenland

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